Thursday, November 1, 2007

My brain's going numb.

One more week to go before classes start. At least in my case. And what have i done the past weeks? Nothing. Zilch. Nada. I'm getting sick of surfing on cable and watching dvds. I've already read all the ebooks i've downloaded. Wala na kong maisip i-download hahaha.


Well, that's not entirely true. I cleaned my room as soon as the sem ended. It's better now because i reorganized my bookshelf and either threw or gave away a couple of things. I should have sold my photocopied cases for recycling but i couldn't find a mag-d-dyaryo. At least my room's less of a fire hazard than it was before.


So last week I enrolled 15 units and i'm still planning on adding 5 more. I hope i can get Atty Pobre on my PIL class. I didn't enroll on a morning class, i learned my lesson last semester thank you very much. Although i'm assuming i didn't do well on my 8am Sat class so i might take it again next year cry i really, really, really hope not. It's going to drag my GWA down.


Why is it that whenever i'm on break nothing good's on tv? Has that ever happened to you? And then when school starts all the good shows are on. I'm happy though cause Heroes season 2 is on Crime/Suspense. And that they're showing Ugly Betty on Star World, even if it's still season 1. But it's all good cause i didn't buy the dvd. Hehehe.


So my brother finally convinced me to go see The Seeker: The Dark is Rising. I wasn't set on seeing it cause my friends who saw it gave it bad reviews. But it's my genre so i went. And they compared it to Lord of the Rings. Which for me is really no way to compare a movie; they'll just end up short lol Halfway through it i wanted to go out. Either that or shake the hell out of the kid. It had hints of LotR -- heck the books even had White Riders on it -- and Harry Potter. If he had powers, why didn't he use them? Why didn't the "Older" teach him how to use them? I really thought when he got the sign for a particular element he could control it to some degree and fight the Dark. I don't know if it's just a bad adaptation or the whole series is like that. At least Harry used his abilities. Will Stanton used his to vent his emotions by setting fire to a mill. They keep on saying he is powerful as he collects the signs but they never showed it on screen. So if you're planning on watching it, don't. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest, i give it a two. We should have just seen Balls of Fury.


I know i should stop comparing every fantasy genre to LotR because Tolkien has influenced it a lot. And because PJ did a hell of a job adapting the stories to the big screen. But that's how i am. I even gripe about how the characters from Heroes are mutants from X-Men. But i still watch them. Hahaha. It's a big problem for me because i can't just enjoy the movie/show without comparing it to another. But if those Heroes writers make a Wolverine rip-off, i'd tear my hear out. They've already improved on Rogue's mutation, which just confirms that Rogue is the Ultimate Superhero if she just didn't suffer from that whole psyche thing and not that frakking Jean Grey. But Rogue would be so Mary Sue if that happens.


How bored am i? I'm watching Parental Control on ETC. Go figure.



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